Lookup Tables

Lookups tag allows to define a lookup table that will be transformed into lookup dictionary, dictionary that can be used to lookup values to include them into parsing results. Lookup table can be called from match variable using lookup function.

lookup tag attributes




name of the lookup table to reference in match variable lookup function


name of the loader to use to load lookup text


specifies location of the file to load lookup table from


If csv loader used, key specifies column name to use as a key


Name of database loader to use to load lookup data



  • lookup_table_name(mandatory) - string to use as a name for lookup table, that is required attribute without it lookup data will not be loaded.



  • loader_name (optional) - name of the loader to use to render supplied variables data, default is python.

Supported loaders:

  • python - uses python exec method to load data structured in native Python formats

  • yaml - relies on PyYAML to load YAML structured data

  • json - used to load json formatted variables data

  • ini - configparser Python standard module used to read variables from ini structured file

  • csv - csv formatted data loaded with Python csv standard library module

If load is csv, first column by default will be used to create lookup dictionary, it is possible to supply key with column name that should be used as a keys for row data. If any other type of load provided e.g. python or yaml, that data must have a dictionary structure, there keys will be compared against match result and on success data associated with given key will be included in results.



  • path - absolute OS path to text file with lookup table data.



  • column_name - optional string attribute that can be used by csv loader to use given column values as a key for dictionary constructed out of csv data.

CSV Example


<lookup name="aux_csv" load="csv">
65100,Subs,Private ASN,734
65200,Privs,Undef ASN,121

<input load="text">
router bgp 65100

<group name="bgp_config">
router bgp {{ bgp_as | lookup("aux_csv", add_field="as_details") }}


        "bgp_config": {
            "as_details": {
                "as_description": "Private ASN",
                "as_name": "Subs",
                "prefix_num": "734"
            "bgp_as": "65100"

Because no key attribute provided, csv data was loaded in python dictionary using first column - ASN - as a key. This is the resulted lookup dictionary:

  "65100": {
        "as_name": "Subs",
        "as_description" : "Private ASN",
        "prefix_num": "734"
  "65200": {
        "as_name": "Privs",
        "as_description" : "Undef ASN",
        "prefix_num": "121"

If key will be set to “as_name”, lookup dictionary will become:

  "Subs": {
        "ASN": "65100",
        "as_description" : "Private ASN",
        "prefix_num": "734"
  "Privs": {
        "ASN": "65200",
        "as_description" : "Undef ASN",
        "prefix_num": "121"

INI Example

If table provided in INI format, data will be transformed into dictionary with top key equal to lookup table names, next level of keys will correspond to INI sections which will nest a dictionary of actual key-value pairs. For instance in below template with lookup name “location”, INI data will be loaded into this python dictionary structure:

{ "locations":
    { "cities": {
        "-mel-": "7 Name St, Suburb A, Melbourne, Postal Code",
        "-bri-" : "8 Name St, Suburb B, Brisbane, Postal Code"

As a result dictionary data to use for lookup can be referenced using “locations.cities” string in lookup/rlookup match variables function.


<input load="text">
router bgp 65100
    description vic-mel-core1
    description qld-bri-core1

<lookup name="locations" load="ini">
-mel- : 7 Name St, Suburb A, Melbourne, Postal Code
-bri- : 8 Name St, Suburb B, Brisbane, Postal Code

<group name="bgp_config">
router bgp {{ bgp_as }}
 <group name="peers">
  neighbor {{ peer }}
    description {{ description | rlookup('locations.cities', add_field='location') }}


        "bgp_config": {
            "bgp_as": "65100",
            "peers": [
                    "description": "vic-mel-core1",
                    "location": "7 Name St, Suburb A, Melbourne, Postal Code",
                    "peer": ""
                    "description": "qld-bri-core1",
                    "location": "8 Name St, Suburb B, Brisbane, Postal Code",
                    "peer": ""

YAML Example

YAML data must be structured as a dictionary, once loaded it will correspond to python dictionary that will be used to lookup values.


<lookup name="yaml_look" load="yaml">
  as_description: Private ASN
  as_name: Subs
  prefix_num: '734'
  as_description: Cust-1 ASN
  as_name: Cust1
  prefix_num: '156'

<input load="text">
router bgp 65100

<group name="bgp_config">
router bgp {{ bgp_as | lookup("yaml_look", add_field="as_details") }}


        "bgp_config": {
            "as_details": {
                "as_description": "Private ASN",
                "as_name": "Subs",
                "prefix_num": "734"
            "bgp_as": "65100"


database="db name"

Name of database to use to populate lookup data.

Below is a list of supported databases

geoip2 database

Loads GeoIP2 .mmdb files to use with match variable “geoip_lookup” function. Supports City, ASN and Country databases. Databases can be found at MaxMind website.


Sample template lookup tag to define geoip2 .mmdb files location:

<lookup name="geoip2_test" database="geoip2">
citY    = 'C:/path/to/GeoLite2-City.mmdb'
AsN     = 'C:/path/to/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb'
Country = 'C:/path/to/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb'

To correctly load databases TTP expects “City”, “ASN”, “Country” arguments to be defined within lookup tag data, argument names are not case sensitive, each argument should contain OS patch to respective database file.

Above example contains Python formatted data, but it can be YAML or JSON as well, for instance YAML formatted data:

<lookup name="geoip2_test" database="geoip2" load="YAML">
citY: 'C:/path/to/GeoLite2-City.mmdb'
AsN: 'C:/path/to/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb'
Country: 'C:/path/to/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb'