
Each group tag (<g>, <grp>, <group>) can have a number of attributes, they used during module execution to provide desired results. Attributes can be mandatory or optional. Each attribute is a string of data formatted in certain way.

group attributes
Attribute Description
name Uniquely identifies group(s) within template and specifies results path location
input Name of input tag or OS path string to files location
default Contains default value that should be set for all variables if nothing been matched
method Indicates parsing method, supported values are group or table
output Specify group specific outputs to run group result through
default Value to supply for variables by default



  • path_string (mandatory) - this is the only attribute that must be set for each group as it used to form group path - path is a dot separated string that indicates group results placement in results structure.

More on name attribute: Group Name Attribute



  • inputN (optional) - string that contains name of the input tag that should be used to source data for this group, alternatively input string value can reference Operating System fully qualified or relative path to location of text file(s) that should be parsed by this group. OS relative path should be accompanied with template base_path attribute, that attribute will be perpended to group input to form fully qualified path.

Input attribute of the group considered to be more specific in case if group name referenced in input groups inputs:groups attribute, as a result several groups can share same name, but reference different inputs with different set of data to be parsed.


Input attributed only supported at top group, nested groups input attributes are ignored.



<input name="test1" load="text">
interface GigabitEthernet3/3
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 138,166-173

<group name="interfaces" input="test1">
interface {{ interface }}
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add {{ trunk_vlans }}


        "interfaces": {
            "interface": "GigabitEthernet3/3",
            "trunk_vlans": "138,166-173"


In this example several inputs define, by default groups set to ‘all’ for them, moreover, groups have identical name attribute. In this case group’s input attribute helps to define which input should be parsed by which group.


<input name="input_1" load="text">
interface GigabitEthernet3/11
 description input_1_data
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 111,222

<input name="input_2" load="text">
interface GigabitEthernet3/22
 description input_2_data
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 222,888

<group name="interfaces.trunks" input="input_1">
interface {{ interface }}
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add {{ trunk_vlans }}
 description {{ description | ORPHRASE }}
 {{ group_id | set("group_1") }}
!{{ _end_ }}

<group name="interfaces.trunks" input="input_2">
interface {{ interface }}
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add {{ trunk_vlans }}
 description {{ description | ORPHRASE }}
 {{ group_id | set("group_2") }}
!{{ _end_ }}


        "interfaces": {
            "trunks": {
                "description": "input_1_data",
                "group_id": "group_1",
                "interface": "GigabitEthernet3/11",
                "trunk_vlans": "111,222"
        "interfaces": {
            "trunks": {
                "description": "input_2_data",
                "group_id": "group_2",
                "interface": "GigabitEthernet3/22",
                "trunk_vlans": "222,888"



  • value (optional) - string that should be used as a default value for all variables within this group.



<input name="test1" load="text">
interface GigabitEthernet3/3
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 138,166-173

<group name="interfaces" input="test1" default="some_default_value">
interface {{ interface }}
 description {{ description }}
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add {{ trunk_vlans }}
 ip address {{ ip }}


        "interfaces": {
            "description": "some_default_value",
            "interface": "GigabitEthernet3/3",
            "ip": "some_default_value",
            "trunk_vlans": "138,166-173"



  • value (optional) - [group | table] default is group. If method it group only first regular expression in group considered as group-start-re, in addition template lines that contain _start_ indicator also used as group-start-re.

On the other hand, if method set to table each and every regular expression in the group considered as group-start-re, that is very useful if semi-table data structure parsed, and we have several variations of row.


In this example arp table needs to be parsed, but to match all the variations we have to define several template expressions.


CSR1Kv-3-lab#show ip arp
Protocol  Address          Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Type   Interface
Internet              98   0050.5685.5cd1  ARPA   GigabitEthernet2.13
Internet               -   0050.5685.14d5  ARPA   GigabitEthernet2.13


This is the template with default method group:

<group name="arp">
Internet  {{ ip }}  {{ age | DIGIT }}   {{ mac }}  ARPA   {{ interface }}
Internet  {{ ip }}  -                   {{ mac }}  ARPA   {{ interface| _start_}}

This is functionally the same template but with method table:

<group name="arp" method="table">
Internet  {{ ip }}  {{ age | DIGIT }}   {{ mac }}  ARPA   {{ interface }}
Internet  {{ ip }}  -                   {{ mac }}  ARPA   {{ interface }}


        "arp": [
                "age": "98",
                "interface": "GigabitEthernet2.13",
                "ip": "",
                "mac": "0050.5685.5cd1"
                "interface": "GigabitEthernet2.13",
                "ip": "",
                "mac": "0050.5685.14d5"


output="output1, output2, ... , outputN"

  • outputN - comma separated string of output tag names that should be used to run group results through. The sequence of outputs provided are preserved and run run in specified order, meaning that output2 will run only after output1.


only top group supports output attribute, nested groups’ output attributes are ignored.