
Group functions can be applied to group results to transform them in a desired way, functions can also be used to validate and filter match results.

Condition functions help to evaluate group results and return False or True, if False returned, group results will be discarded.

group functions
Name Description
containsall checks if group result contains matches for all given variables
contains checks if group result contains match at least for one of given variables
macro Name of the macros function to run against group result
group functions String containing list of functions to run this group results through
to_ip transforms given values in ipaddress IPAddress object
exclude invalidates group results if any of given keys present in group
excludeall invalidates group results if all given keys present in group
del delete given keys from group results
sformat format provided string with match result and/or template variables
itemize produce list of items extracted out of group match results dictionary


containsall="variable1, variable2, variableN"

  • variable (mandatory) - a comma-separated string that contains match variable names. This function
    checks if group results contain specified variable, if at least one variable not found in results, whole group result discarded


For instance we want to get results only for interfaces that has IP address configured on them and vrf, all the rest of interfaces should not make it to results.


interface Port-Chanel11
  description Storage Management
interface Loopback0
  description RID
  ip address
interface Vlan777
  description Management
  ip address
  vrf MGMT


<group name="interfaces" containsall="ip, vrf">
interface {{ interface }}
  description {{ description }}
  ip address {{ ip }}/{{ mask }}
  vrf {{ vrf }}


    "interfaces": {
        "description": "Management",
        "interface": "Vlan777",
        "ip": "",
        "mask": "24",
        "vrf": "MGMT"


contains="variable1, variable2, variableN"

  • variable (mandatory) - a comma-separated string that contains match variable names. This function
    checks if group results contains any of specified variable, if no variables found in results, whole group result discarded, if at least one variable found in results, this check is satisfied.


For instance we want to get results only for interfaces that has IP address configured on them or vrf.


interface Port-Chanel11
  description Storage Management
interface Loopback0
  description RID
  ip address
interface Vlan777
  description Management
  ip address
  vrf MGMT


<group name="interfaces" contains="ip, vrf">
interface {{ interface }}
  description {{ description }}
  ip address {{ ip }}/{{ mask }}
  vrf {{ vrf }}


    "interfaces": [
            "description": "RID",
            "interface": "Loopback0",
            "ip": "",
            "mask": "24"
            "description": "Management",
            "interface": "Vlan777",
            "ip": "",
            "mask": "24",
            "vrf": "MGMT"


macro="name1, name2, ... , nameN"

  • nameN - comma separated string of macro tag names that should be used to run group results through. The sequence of macroses provided preserved and macroses executed in specified order, in other words macro named name2 will run after macro name1.

Macro brings Python language capabilities to match results processing and validation during ttp module execution, as it allows to run custom python functions against match results. Macro functions referenced by their name in match variable definitions.

Macro function must accept only one attribute to hold group results, for groups data supplied to macro function is a dictionary of data matched by this group.

Depending on data returned by macro function, ttp will behave differently according to these rules:

  • If macro returns True or False - original data unchanged, macro handled as condition functions, invalidating result on False and keeps processing result on True
  • If macro returns None - data processing continues, no additional logic associated
  • If macro returns single item - that item replaces original data supplied to macro and processed further



<input load="text">
interface GigabitEthernet1/1
 description to core-1
interface Vlan222
 description Phones vlan
interface Loopback0
 description Routing ID loopback

def check_if_svi(data):
    if "Vlan" in data["interface"]:
        data["is_svi"] = True
        data["is_svi"] = False
    return data

def check_if_loop(data):
    if "Loopback" in data["interface"]:
        data["is_loop"] = True
        data["is_loop"] = False
    return data

def description_mod(data):
    # function to revert words order in descripotion
    words_list = data.get("description", "").split(" ")
    words_list_reversed = list(reversed(words_list))
    words_reversed = " ".join(words_list_reversed)
    data["description"] = words_reversed
    return data

<group name="interfaces_macro" macro="description_mod, check_if_svi, check_if_loop">
interface {{ interface }}
 description {{ description | ORPHRASE }}
 ip address {{ ip }} {{ mask }}


        "interfaces_macro": [
                "description": "core-1 to",
                "interface": "GigabitEthernet1/1",
                "is_loop": false,
                "is_svi": false
                "description": "vlan Phones",
                "interface": "Vlan222",
                "is_loop": false,
                "is_svi": true
                "description": "loopback ID Routing",
                "interface": "Loopback0",
                "is_loop": true,
                "is_svi": false

group functions

functions="function1('attributes') | function2('attributes') | ... | functionN('attributes')"

  • functionN - name of the group function together with it’s attributes

The main advantage of using string of functions against defining functions directly in the group tag is the fact that it allows to define sequence of functions to run group results through and that order will be honored. For instance we have two below group definitions:


<group name="interfaces_macro" functions="contains('ip') | macro('description_mod') | macro('check_if_svi') | macro('check_if_loop')">
interface {{ interface }}
 description {{ description | ORPHRASE }}
 ip address {{ ip }} {{ mask }}


<group name="interfaces_macro" contains="ip" macro="description_mod, check_if_svi, check_if_loop">
interface {{ interface }}
 description {{ description | ORPHRASE }}
 ip address {{ ip }} {{ mask }}

While above groups have same set of functions defined, for Group1 function will run in provided order, while for Group2 order is undefined due to the fact that XML tag attributes loaded in python dictionary, meaning that key-value mappings are unordered.


pipe ‘|’ symbol must be used to separate function names, not comma



<input load="text">
interface GigabitEthernet1/1
 description to core-1
 ip address
interface Vlan222
 description Phones vlan
interface Loopback0
 description Routing ID loopback
 ip address

def check_if_svi(data):
    if "Vlan" in data["interface"]:
        data["is_svi"] = True
        data["is_svi"] = False
    return data

def check_if_loop(data):
    if "Loopback" in data["interface"]:
        data["is_loop"] = True
        data["is_loop"] = False
    return data

def description_mod(data):
    # To revert words order in descripotion
    words_list = data.get("description", "").split(" ")
    words_list_reversed = list(reversed(words_list))
    words_reversed = " ".join(words_list_reversed)
    data["description"] = words_reversed
    return data

<group name="interfaces_macro" functions="contains('ip') | macro('description_mod') | macro('check_if_svi') | macro('check_if_loop')">
interface {{ interface }}
 description {{ description | ORPHRASE }}
 ip address {{ ip }} {{ mask }}


        "interfaces_macro": [
                "description": "core-1 to",
                "interface": "GigabitEthernet1/1",
                "ip": "",
                "is_loop": false,
                "is_svi": false,
                "mask": ""
                "description": "loopback ID Routing",
                "interface": "Loopback0",
                "ip": "",
                "is_loop": true,
                "is_svi": false,
                "mask": ""


functions="to_ip(ip_key='X', mask_key='Y')" or to_ip="'X', 'Y'" or to_ip="ip_key='X', mask_key='Y'"

  • ip_key - name of the key that contains IP address string
  • mask_key - name of the key that contains mask string

This functions can help to construct ipaddress IpAddress object out of ip_key and mask_key values, on success this function will return ipaddress object assigned to ip_key.



<input load="text">
interface Loopback10
 ip address  subnet mask 24
interface Vlan710
 ip address 2002::fd10 subnet mask 124

<group name="interfaces_with_funcs" functions="to_ip('ip', 'mask')">
interface {{ interface }}
 ip address {{ ip }}  subnet mask {{ mask }}

<group name="interfaces_with_to_ip_args" to_ip = "'ip', 'mask'">
interface {{ interface }}
 ip address {{ ip }}  subnet mask {{ mask }}

<group name="interfaces_with_to_ip_kwargs" to_ip = "ip_key='ip', mask_key='mask'">
interface {{ interface }}
 ip address {{ ip }}  subnet mask {{ mask }}


[   {   'interfaces_with_funcs': [   {   'interface': 'Loopback10',
                                         'ip': IPv4Interface(''),
                                         'mask': '24'},
                                     {   'interface': 'Vlan710',
                                         'ip': IPv6Interface('2002::fd10/124'),
                                         'mask': '124'}],
        'interfaces_with_to_ip_args': [   {   'interface': 'Loopback10',
                                              'ip': IPv4Interface(''),
                                              'mask': '24'},
                                          {   'interface': 'Vlan710',
                                              'ip': IPv6Interface('2002::fd10/124'),
                                              'mask': '124'}],
        'interfaces_with_to_ip_kwargs': [   {   'interface': 'Loopback10',
                                                'ip': IPv4Interface(''),
                                                'mask': '24'},
                                            {   'interface': 'Vlan710',
                                                'ip': IPv6Interface('2002::fd10/124'),
                                                'mask': '124'}]}]


exclude="variable1, variable2, ..., variableN"



excludeall="variable1, variable2, ..., variableN"



del="variable1, variable2, ..., variableN"



sformat="string='text', key='name'" or sformat="'text', 'name'"



itemize="key='name', path=''" or functions="itemize(key='name', path='')"