Input tag attributes

There are a number of attributes can be specified in input tag, these attributes help to define input behavior and how data should be loaded and parsed.

Attribute Description
name Uniquely identifies input within template
groups Specifies group(s) that should be used to parse input data
load Identifies loader that should be used to load text data for input tag itself



  • string (optional) - name of the input to reference in group input attribute. Default value is “Default_Input” and used internally to store set of data that should be parsed by all groups.


groups="group1, group2, ... , groupN"

  • groupN (optional) - Default value is “all”, comma separated string of group names that should be used to parse given input data. Default value is “all” - input data will be parsed by each group.

Each group will be used only once to parse input data, for instance if groups="group1, group1", group1 will be parse that input data only once, as TTP makes a list of unique (non repeating values, internally, that achieved by converting list to set and back to sorted list) groups for each input.


Group tag input attribute can be used to reference inputs’ names or OS path to files, it is considered to be more specific, for example when several groups in the template have identical name attribute, referencing these groups by name in input tag groups attribute will result in input data to be parsed by all the groups with that name, on the other hand, if input name referenced in group tag input attribute, data of this input will only be parsed by this group even if several group have the same name.



  • loader_name - name of the loader that should be used to load input tag text data, supported values are python, yaml, json or text, if text used as a loader, text data within input tag itself used as an input data and parsed by a set of given groups or by all groups.


Below template contains input with text data that should be parsed, that is useful for testing purposes or for small data sets.


<input name="test1" load="text" groups="interfaces.trunks">
interface GigabitEthernet3/3
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 138,166-173
interface GigabitEthernet3/4
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100-105
interface GigabitEthernet3/5
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 459,531,704-707

<group name="interfaces.trunks">
interface {{ interface }}
 switchport trunk allowed vlan add {{ trunk_vlans }}


        "interfaces": {
            "trunks": [
                    "interface": "GigabitEthernet3/3",
                    "trunk_vlans": "138,166-173"
                    "interface": "GigabitEthernet3/4",
                    "trunk_vlans": "100-105"
                    "interface": "GigabitEthernet3/5",
                    "trunk_vlans": "459,531,704-707"